Monday, March 16, 2009

Configure LDAP

Install the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, and then prepare it to communicate with WebSphere® Application Server.
Install the LDAP server before WebSphere Application Server.
To prepare the LDAP server to communicate with WebSphere Application Server, complete the following steps:
  1. Install a supported LDAP server.
  2. Populate the LDAP directory with user data.
    Note: The mail attribute is required for all users.
  3. Note the values of the following LDAP properties; you must provide these values when you configure WebSphere Application Server:
    • Directory Type
    • Primary host name
    • Port
    • Bind distinguished name
    • Bind password
    • Login properties. For example: mail
    • Certificate Mapping
    • Certificate Filter, if applicable.
    • LDAP Entity types or classes. For example: Group, OrgContainer, PersonAccount, or inetOrgPerson
    • Search base
  4. You are now ready to install WebSphere Application Server.