Thursday, February 19, 2009

JMX Architecture

Overview of JMX:

JMX is the Java standard for managing an application's resources. The management architecture defined by JMX is divided into three levels:

  • The bottom level is management instrumentation. Each manageable resource is described by an interface that specifies the attributes it has, the operations it supports, and the notifications it sends. This resource is a managed bean (MBean).
  • The middle level is the management agent. Each managed process contains a JMX agent that includes an MBean server, which provides a registry and access point for MBeans. Management clients must use the MBean server to access the registered MBeans.
  • The top level of the architecture is identified, but undefined in the current level of the JMX specification. It is the distributed services level, and its role is to facilitate remote access to JMX agents. This task is accomplished through connectors, which provide a protocol-independent, location-transparent, client-side interface to the MBean server (for example, an RMI connector), or protocol adapters, which provide protocol-specific, server-side access to the MBean server (for example, an HTTP adapter).
Fig: JMX Architecture

Fig: Communication of AdminClient In Appl Server